What to expect when you visit:
Visiting a new church for the first time can be intimidating. What do we wear? Where do we sit? What are we supposed to do? etc. We hope that this summary of a typical Sunday morning worship service will help take some of the guess work out of your first visit and allow you to be more comfortable right from the start.
When you arrive, enter the church through the front doors. There you will be welcomed by one of our greeters and given a bulletin for the service. Find a place to sit: back, middle or even the front of the sanctuary. Our service begins at 10:30 am with the ringing of our church bells, the opening hymn and prayer.
After a few announcements, responsive reading, songs and prayer, we invite all the children to come up to the front for a short children's message. Your kids are welcome to come too or stick back with you if they would like. Each week, children ages 3-11 are welcome to go downstairs after the message for children's church. If you have an infant or toddler, we have a staffed nursery downstairs. Please inform a greeter before the service begins and he or she will direct you to where it is.
A little later on, we have a time of prayer where the pastor will ask the congregation for any prayer requests. Feel free to raise your hand and share a request if you like.
Before the sermon, we take an offering. Please don't feel any pressure to give; that's mainly for our regular attendees and members. The sermon is typically 20-25 minutes long.
On the first Sunday of each month (usually) we take Communion together after the message. You do not have to be a member of our church to take Communion.
After the service, you are invited to join us downstairs for our coffee-hour, where you can have something to munch on, a drink and hopefully a good conversation or two. Normally on the first or second Sunday of the month (Sept-May), we have a potluck after the service. Again, we would love to have you join us as our guests (and don't worry if you didn't bring anything because we always have more than enough!).
And, if you are concerned about what to wear- don't be. Some wear suits, while others wear jeans. Just come as yourself.
Our Sunday service begins at 10:30 am and lasts from 60-70 minutes. We look forward to meeting you soon!